
Friday, 14 September 2018


Platform: android

Multiplayer: The multiplayer is extraordinary because of squad and clans. However you can not friend anybody.

Genre: First robot (person!) shooter

Age: 7+

Difficulty level: 4

Cost: free

Detail: war robots is a 3-D topnotch game. You have heaps of guns that you can equip on to an unnameable amount of robots. This can cost millions of ag (silver) and a few thousand au (gold) and work shop points. Battles modes are: Skirmish (you get to use different robots,not your own),Beacon Rush (spawn at beacons you have captured),Domination,team death match,king of the hill and free for all. There are a lot of maps, my favourite map is based in a desert with the rubble of a massive galactic space ship. The game is constantly being modified.

Smoothness: This game is a bit laggy but it is usually fast at loading.

Story: You are a gigantic robot equipped with various weapons to defeat a team of enemy robots. In other words, you fight to the death!

Graphics: super future

I give this game 5 out of 5

I would recommend this game to any body who likes first robot (person) shooters!